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Bringing You What's New, The Music Unheard That You Need To Hear!

Writer's picture: Bring Me The Music Bring Me The Music

We now have a weekly post for music that BMTM wants to share! Ensuring everyone can get out there, this is place to find extra music that is not on the weekly single reviews. It's so amazing getting emails and messages from a whole variety of people with music they want to share (either their own or simply wanting to let me know about what they like).

So here is a new weekly update of what is surfacing around the world, that is waiting to be heard and is the start of something great for a songwriter or artist. Please share your own music or music you love for this whenever you can, please email: or direct message on instagram.

The guitar in the middle eight, oh nelly this one gets you PUMPED. A rallying cry to push against the hate from the privileged/powerful. Arito serve up a great track to literally give the finger to bigots and the dramatic nature of song, gives it all an extra emotion to it all.

With an album coming out in May, Bull are really showing off their talent leading up to it. The latest cut from them blends a great mix of 00's indie music and classic 60's songwriting. 'Eugene' is pure delight with its harmonies and British charm, also the guitar tones we are gifted in the second half of the track is fucking awesome too!

The stripped back production on Mystery Rose's new single gives it such a lovely charm, resonating with you even more. The lyrics look at the venerability that can be felt when all of a sudden dealing with whats happened after a relationship and being alone again. The melody is sweet and leaves you intrigued where this artist goes next.

The atmosphere created by Folly Group is incredibly infectious on this track, the vocal delivery really grabs your attention and sends your mind to go into such a tripy and moody place. The groove amongst the moody synths is killer and overall just packs a lot of weight in its minimal and short style!

The mixing of the vocals and acoustic guitar at the beginning really does set a beautiful tone. With strings and an electric guitar, that feels very power rock, the song is wonderfully put together and a great showcase of the craft this band has.

The classic RnB key intro shows off how fine and cool this song is but the guitars that come along later, gives it such a cool funk to the song. 'Potential' could be a PJ Morton song as it has a feeling of soul and rhythm that is to die for.

The latest single by the artist is a treat, there's a classic feel of songwriting and love for wanting to write something one can dance to, it is a very confident and impressive. The synths and beats that arrive in the song are lovely and the meaning of the song, when the love fizzles out of a relationship, is relatable and the lyrics are written with such maturity.

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