We now have a weekly post for music that BMTM wants to share! Ensuring everyone can get out there, this is place to find extra music that is not on the weekly single reviews. It's so amazing getting emails and messages from a whole variety of people with music they want to share (either their own or simply wanting to let me know about what they like).
So here is a new weekly update of what is surfacing around the world, that is waiting to be heard and is the start of something great for a songwriter or artist. Please share your own music or music you love for this whenever you can, please email: tom.bringmethemusic@gmail.com or direct message on instagram.
The production on Edited People's latest single, 'Dream Chaser', is amazing. The crispy guitars pierce through the dramatic and swaggery vocal delivery, the whole bad arse mood is truly infectious. All in all, it leaves you fascinated with where this band will take this sound and Im sure they are going become more and more cool sounding.
Is it recording? Oh yes it is!!! The crashing opening with the epic guitar sounds gets you going with a strut, wanting to slick back your hair like a Josh Homme or Alex Turner. Vocal wise, it is probably the highlight of the song, as it sounds effortlessly while still feeling epic. The song keeps a tight sound when they are at full force but it still feels so playful overall.
It feels like a mix of the slow tempo side of The Police and 00's indie, its a cool mix obviously. The drumming takes hold of the song brilliantly, dictating its journey as the vocals sound like they are yearning for something they are reaching for. The outfit Colour Crimes, are sounding like a band that are showing off their collective quality already.
This latest cut by Greg Clifford offers such a fascinating experience that includes some lovely strings and horns. The keys subtly flow through the mix, are a lovely touch. Though it is the dramatic drums and guitars that leave the hairs standing on the back of your neck on this one.
This delicate song by Trevor Gerard, is a reflection of an ended relationship and delving into what could have been done better. Vocally, the singer sounds as one with the acoustic guitar, while the gentle key playing brings such a class to the song. It feels so tranquil and it simply brings you in so warmly, that no one will not like.
How beautiful and touching is this song?!!! I feel so relaxed and warm inside, who knew a good brew could be in a song. However it feels so American, which has sense of class and warmth that takes you back to a time of prosperity and good will. The message of the song does really feel sweet, asking you to love and how valuable that trait is.
Written by Tom Bedding